Ahh, Welcome to Rome and its delicious fresh drinking water that can be found in public fountains all over the city. Yes, we waited and observed others doing this before diving in, but it was so nice and refreshing in the blazing Italian heat.
The Borghese Gallery-featuring Baroque sculpture.
Outside and inside the Pantheon.
The Colosseum: All we could say about this is WOW! This 2000 year old building blew us away. The engineering of this place is amazing!
They removed the floor so we could see underneath into the chambers down below where they kept the animals and gladiators until they were ready to bring them up to the arena floor using elevators.

Jacob's favorite animal:)
Looking from the Colosseum at the Arch of Constantine, which marks the military coup that made Christianity mainstream in A.D. 312.
The three tall Corinthian columns of the Temple of Castor and Pollux.
"Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to bury Casesar, not to praise him". The burning and burial site of Julius Ceasar. Reading the story of what happened at this very spot in 44 B.C. gave Jacob shivers, even in the 95 degree heat.