Christmas Cat
We had a very busy four days. On Friday, the 22nd, we attended my parent's annual Christmas party. It had been rescheduled from the previous Sunday due to the wind storm. Saturday we celebrated Colin's 22nd birthday with a dinner at mom and dads. Sunday, Christmas Eve, we went to Jacob's Aunt Christie and Uncle Mike's house for an early dinner and got to see his whole dad's side of the family. From there I dropped Jacob off at Church with his mom and grandma. I went home and put the second ham of the day in the oven. Later my family came to our house for dinner and our annual Christmas Eve viewing of Miracle on 34th Street. Christmas morning was spent here at home, with just the two of us. Later we went to my parent's house where we opened gifts and had an eggs benedict breakfast. That afternoon we went to Jacob's other aunt and uncle, Kerry and Susan's house where we had finger food and opened more gifts. We also did their traditional grab bag, where you never know what you might get considering items range from lotion, a bag of quarter, candles, to cans of garbanzo beans that have been recycled many a year. We had a lot of fun, but were definitely ready to crash when we made it home. We hope your Christmas was a joyous one!

Here is our cat, Mo, trying to blend in with the presents under the tree.

Look at these snoozers. They needed a nap after a long Christmas weekend!

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